Despite claims, Dakota Access followed necessary approval steps regarding cultural sites

Recently, a group of archaeologists made news by signing a letter that opposes the Dakota Access Pipeline. The letter claims that, “the cultural resources survey did not involve proper consultation with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other tribes in the region.” As Standing Rock Fact Checker has previously covered, meaningful consultation was provided to…

Chris Berg Highlights out-of-staters co-opting #NoDAPL protest

As the protest near Cannonball continues, the largely illegal protesting has begun to see predictable results: arrests. Following a particularly heavy weekend of protests, some have started to take a closer look into who exactly is being taken into custody. KX4’s Chris Berg, who has previously called out inaccurate claims from Dakota Access Pipeline opposition,…

MAIN Coalition statement regarding recent D.C. Circuit Court announcement

In response to the recent announcement from the D.C. Circuit Court on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request for an emergency injunction, MAIN Coalition spokesman Craig Stevens issued the following statement: We respect the process and appreciate the Court moving as quickly as possible to hear the facts. Judge Boasberg was very clear in his…

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s New Drinking Water Source Could be Impacted by Crude in Rail Cars

The Dakota Access pipeline doesn’t cross Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation land, but a large crude-transporting railroad track does. The map below shows where a railroad crosses both the reservation and Missouri River, carrying the same crude oil near a Tribe water source.   It’s worth noting that this raises significant safety concerns given rail…

Tribal Nations Active in Oil and Gas Exploration; Raises Questions on Pipeline Opposition

Native communities like the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe appear vehemently opposed to any and all oil and gas industry activity near reservation land, but for more than 30 years, tribal communities have benefited from energy development on their lands. As Standing Rock Fact Checker has discussed, oil and gas production in Native communities is booming….

Height of Hypocrisy – Demonstrators Looking for Gas While Protesting Oil Pipeline

Call it cliché, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Presumably on their way to their fellow Dakota Access protestors, these activist seem to have run into car trouble. With “Oil Spills, Oil Kills” emblazoned on their back window, one of the duo patiently waits for assistance with an “Out of gas” sign….

MAIN Coalition Statement Regarding U.S. Court of Appeals’ Temporary Injunction

Although disappointing, we respect the process and the Court’s decision to issue this temporary injunction so it can spend time considering the facts of the case.  Judge Boasberg, in his thoughtful and thorough opinion last week, confirmed that the Army Corps of Engineers did their jobs expertly and in accordance with the law.  We are…

MAIN Coalition Statement on Dakota Access Pipeline- Judge Boasberg lifts TRO

We are pleased that Judge Boasberg lifted the Temporary Restraining Order west of Lake Oahe allowing construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline to continue in that area.  We appreciate the Judge’s recognition that the United States has a rigorous and robust regulatory process in place and we need to honor it. In his thoughtful and…

Others tell a different story | Few complaints on Illinois’ end of $3.8 billion pipeline project

Contrary to the way many view the Dakota Access pipeline, a recent piece in The State Journal-Register highlights the fact that public opinion may not be as one-sided as it may appear. Below are some testimonials from community members in Illinois, Dakota Access’ terminus: Morgan County highway engineer Matt Coultas: “I remember another pipeline that…