Fact Check: House Dem Letter on DAPL
Even as rhetoric and emotions surrounding the Dakota Access Pipeline swell, we have worked to ensure all responses have been fact-based and straightforward.
Having said that, you may have wondered why the SRFC and MAIN Coalition didn’t have an immediate response to the Congressional letter sent to President Obama yesterday. Honestly, it was because it was so riddled with errors and misinformation that we wanted to make certain our facts were right.
They were.
In addition, MAIN Coalition spokesman Craig Stevens had the following to say in response to erroneous letter:
It’s unfortunate that some are trying to move this discussion away from the facts: that the Army Corps of Engineers, the four state governments, and Energy Transfer Partners did everything right in the siting, permitting, and ongoing construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Additionally, as context, the current discussion falls on an already-approved portion of the line that runs about 1,000 feet.
To date, the project is nearly 70 percent complete and has supported more than 8,000 jobs, at a cost of over $2.6 billion. The MAIN Coalition continues to believe that as long as the final Administration and judicial decisions are based on the facts, science, engineering, and the rule of law the Dakota Access Pipeline will be allowed to become operational.