Protestors Continue to Show Non-Prayerful Opposition
Every day, Dakota Access protestors and Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault preach about how their “movement” continues to be peaceful and prayerful. Despite widespread reports and blatant evidence to the contrary, this claim is one of the most common of Dakota Access protestors.
This week, Dakota Access protestors travelled to North Dakota’s state Capitol in Bismarck and covered the main entrance with crude oil and the sign “You can’t drink oil.”
No one was hurt nor was there any irreparable damage, but it is baffling how protestors and Chairman Archambault continue to frame their protest as a series of prayer events.
Moreover, it is worth highlighting that Bismarck is over 40 miles away from the Sacred Stone Camp which shows Archambault’s ineffectiveness in reigning in the reach of his illegal protest.