The Facts on Net Emissions, Energy Infrastructure, and Dakota Access

One of the most common claims made about the Dakota Access Pipeline, championed by environmental activists and some elected officials, is that the Dakota Access pipeline will be “disastrous” for global carbon emissions. Citing “calculations” some claim that the Dakota Access Pipeline will equate to tens of millions of cars on the road or several…

The New York Times Repeats Debunked Dakota Access Myths

In recent editorials, the Washington Post and the New York Times addressed the Dakota Access pipeline and the ongoing protest. While The Post highlighted two important the facts regarding the pipeline, the Times focused on 3 disproven myths. Two facts about the Dakota Access pipeline as noted by the editorial board of the Washington Post:…

Video of Tribal Elder Telling Local Police “We’re With You On This?”

Despite national media coverage, which portrays the protesters at Standing Rock as a unified front, divisions between elements of the tribe and more radical activists are becoming readily apparent. In a video posted to the SayAnything Blog, a tribal elder named Robert spoke with law enforcement officers as they advanced toward a barricade blocking Highway…

Setting the Record Straight on Dakota Access’ Lake Oahe Route Crossing

Recently, Dakota Access protesters have inaccurately claimed many things about the project’s route. These inaccuracies have spread into mainstream media and it is important to clarify the blatant falsities many are using to challenge the project. The following are the facts about Dakota Access. The pipeline route, commonly referred to as the Lake Oahe route,…

Protestors Continue to Show Non-Prayerful Opposition

Every day, Dakota Access protestors and Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault preach about how their “movement” continues to be peaceful and prayerful. Despite widespread reports and blatant evidence to the contrary, this claim is one of the most common of Dakota Access protestors. This week, Dakota Access protestors travelled to North Dakota’s state Capitol…

Chairman Archambault Lies in NYT Op-ed, Bismarck Tribune Validates Law Enforcement

As myths are being pushed by leaders of the protest movement, local newspapers are starting to push back by focusing on facts. Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault, claimed in an opinion piece that his protestors were peaceful throughout last week’s confrontations, despite evidence of violence. In contrast, editorials from the Bismarck Tribune and Inforum…

President Obama’s Reckless and Inaccurate Remarks on Dakota Access Threaten Public Safety

Last night, President Obama was asked about the Dakota Access Pipeline and its ongoing protest in a NowThis interview (full transcript below). President Obama’s remarks are a concerning response from the nation’s Chief Executive who is charged with the enforcement of the rule of law. The President fails to acknowledge that the project is already…

Stanford Review Opinion Piece Highlights Fundamental Issues With Dakota Access Protest

A recent opinion piece penned by two students in the Stanford Review highlights some of the glaring issues being ignored by protestors of the Dakota Access Pipeline. According to the piece, “It’s easy to oppose the pipeline. It’s harder to consider the consequences of not building it.” The follow represents selections from the op-ed: “…Meanwhile,…

Key Leader of Protest Camp Faction Removed From Sacred Stone Camp by Tribal Leaders Seeking Peace

Cody Hall of Eagle Butte, S.D., a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota, was removed as spokesman of the Red Warrior Camp and from the camp itself following last week’s protest violence. Hall did nothing to curb last week’s protest, attempted murder, and other acts of vandalism according to Frank Archambault—a member…